• info@kawekamo.org
  • +255616801315

Welcome to the Shrine of Kawekamo

Consecrated to Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, and dedicated to St. John Paul II, the Queen of Kawekamo Shrine stands as a sacred place of prayer, peace, and spiritual growth. As a center of hospitality, we embrace all pilgrims of faith, offering a sanctuary where moments of inspiration, comfort, and contemplation are found.

Our mission is to maintain this Shrine as a place of pilgrimage and spiritual solace, where we joyfully celebrate the sacred moments of life, the feasts and seasons of the Church, and especially the solemnities of Mary and St. John Paul II. We are committed to supporting the Archdiocese of Mwanza in its efforts of evangelization and healing, reaching out to alienated and non-practicing Catholics of all ages.

The Shrine of Kawekamo also serves as a testament to the richness of Tanzanian culture, fostering an appreciation of this heritage as a gift to all within our multicultural Archdiocese and society. We welcome you to join us in this journey of faith, healing, and spiritual growth.



We have some special crieteria


A sacred place for pilgrims to find peace, reflection, and deeper faith.


Providing spiritual assistance to all who seek it. Whether through prayer, guidance, or acts of service, the Shrine is dedicated to uplifting and supporting the spiritual well-being of its visitors.


Celebration of Church feasts, especially those dedicated to Mary and St. John Paul II, the Shrine honors the sacred moments of our lives. It fosters a deep connection to the liturgical calendar, encouraging the faithful to live in harmony with the rhythms of the Church year.


We offer some awesome features that will help you


God initiates a relationship with us. In this relationship, we experience God in our lives and seek to put God first. We come to God as a person and as an assembly. We respond to God in our relationship with adoration, praise, petition, and thanksgiving. We do this as a person and as an assembly. We do this in sacraments and in personal devotion. [Confer: the Letter to the Hebrews, Sacrosanctum Concilium].


God has made us into a single people, a people who acknowledge God in truth and serves God in holiness. We are a community of faith participating in the community of Christ. Together we strive to be Christ to each other, and with each other we are Christ to the world. [Confer: Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Ephesians 1:22-23,]


In the community of Christ, we strive to understand who God is. In the following Holy words our “faith seeks understanding.” Our understanding is more than intellectual. It is learning God’s ways and living God’s ways. It is being formed into a person and a people who show Jesus Christ in our head (intelligence), heart (emotions) and hands (actions). [Confer: Romans 12:2; 1 Corinthians 2:6-16]


Jesus says, “For I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.” (John 13:15) “This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) Because of the love of Christ in us, we reach out to others in love. Together we serve by being courteous, respectful, humble, obedient, and loyal. We appreciate the value and worth of others. We strive to be forbearing, patient, and forgiving in the face of suffering, persecution, and misunderstanding.


You can get involved by attending our services, joining a ministry group, volunteering for events, or participating in our community outreach programs. For more information, visit our “Get Involved” page or contact the church office.

To request prayer or pastoral support, you can fill out a prayer request form on our website, contact the church office, or speak with a member of our pastoral team after a service.

You can stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on social media, youtube channel, and regularly visiting our website. For more information, visit our “News & Events” page.

For any additional questions or information, please contact the church office at +255 754361043 or info@kawekamo.org. Our staff will be happy to assist you.


All our latest news are listed below

Join us to worship, connect, and grow in faith together!